Dream interpretation about Fear, Scared, Family
I received a text from an unknown number, it was someone pretending to be my dad, I knew it was a scam straight away because I’m very aware of these things in daily life. I decided to call them to catch them out, but to my surprise, the voice on the other end of the phone was my dads voice, but I knew it wasn’t him, it almost sounded recorded, I responded and we had some back and fourth but I still knew it wasn’t him. I suddenly felt scared, freaked out and worried, this wasn’t a regular scammer. I called my dad and told him what had happened, while this was happening I was getting more texts from the person, pictures of my dad that were clearly taken from a far, as if he was being stalked. I was scared for his safety. I was worried this person now knew my voice and could manipulate it in the same way, so I warned my family members. I kept received images and videos of my dad from afar, some manipulated with AI. I was terrified.
Dream date:
14 Dec 2024
Emotional tone:
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