Dream interpretation about Attack, Being chased with a knife, Abandoned home, Family, Conflict
I’m a manager at dollar general and I was sleep with my girlfriend outside the store some how and this suspicious van pulled up I always see at the store and always felt he was up to no good but he pulled up to the side of the store and I was watching him but still trying to play sleep and hoped my girl wouldn’t notice so she wouldn’t over react he started to work is way in the store from the side of the building and I knew he was trying to break into the safe then he stared crawling back towards the wall where he broke in the store from my girl said she can see him and I just wanted us to stay unnoticed so I said stop looking and just lay there then she sat up and said I have to use the bathroom then I begged her not to go then she said what would you do if you had to use the bathroom and I said I’ll wait then she got up and walked into the bathroom door that was some how right beside us then I seen the man crawl under the bed then when I looked again he was standing and was holding a knife in each hand and started stabbing me in my side and everywhere else then I moved for the bathroom door my girlfriend was behind that he locked while he was stabbing me I unlocked it and was calling her name through the door and didn’t get a response so I positioned my self to where the attacker could only stab my legs and feet and stared kicking the attacker which also was holding a knife in there mouth along with one in each hand I couldn’t force the knife out there hand so I had a plan I stopped trying to take the knife out there hand and raised up towards the knife that was in there mouth and used my palm to hit it back I wasn’t trying to kill them just was trying to throw then off of holding those knife’s so tight so I could get one which worked and after I hit that knife deeper in there mouth I snatched the knife out there hand and in one swing spilt there mouth from one side to the other with that other knife still being in there mouth then when I looked at the face it was my cousin i barely talk to anymore
Dream date:
1 Oct 2024
Emotional tone:
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