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Dream About Abandoned Jungle Gym

Dream interpretation about Abandoned home, Tunnel, Video Game, Childhood home, Farm

Dream About Abandoned Jungle Gym
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This dream was about

I was with an elderly man who resembled my grandpa on my dad's side but had an uplifting and confident spirit. I was following him through my childhood city that I grew up in. We were walking the outskirts when we came across an old abandoned jungle gym with a spin/swing ride that I remember in the dream as my favorite thing to do, but the jungle gym does not exist in real life. The bars were rusted beyond repair and the casing that would house the riders has stripped away to the point of looking like thin paper. Yet I wanted to climb and ride it again. I was about to hop in it for memories but the elderly man just kept walking past the jungle gym, so I had to follow. I was upset I wasn't able to relive my past memories but I knew I had to keep going. I followed him through more areas of my childhood town that were rusted and abandoned, like the trails and another jungle gym. There was an area where we went through a tunnel but that area turned into a video game that I remember playing in my childhood in the dream, that didn't exist in real life. Then we ended up at a farm house with a long driveway and a wheat field. There I met a sweet old lady that resembled my grandma on my dad's side who passed away in real life. The elderly man and woman, though resembling my grandparents, looked off in some way that's hard to describe. It's like I knew they weren't them, but they were so similar. I began to 'work' for them, but I don't really remember what my job was besides working outside. I came inside for something and the elderly lady welcomed me in but I was still shy to enter as I was told it was only for emergencies by the elderly man. I just had a question and returned to my job. The only other thing I remember from the dream is that their gravel driveway had a speed bump for some reason near the road. There was also what seemed to be a public trail near their driveway with a speed bump in the exact same spot as theirs, but with a small grassy area between the trail and the driveway.

Dream date:

26 Feb 2025

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Did you know, Harmonie? 🌟 64.7% of dreamers find that following imaginary elderly figures through nostalgic settings leads to unexpected adventures in their dreams! 🚶‍♂️🎠


This dream was recurring 1 times last week

Dream symbols

Abandoned home

Abandoned home



Video Game

Video Game

Childhood home

Childhood home



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😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

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