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Dream About Hotel Lobby Family Friends Army Base Attack Hitchhiking

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Dream About Hotel Lobby Family Friends Army Base Attack Hitchhiking
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This dream was a bit all over the place. So first thing i remember is sitting in on a class at a college with my little brother. He was acting out which eventually got me to get him to go. When we left class, the area turned into some giant hotel lobby with a lot of people. When we got there, one of his school friends met up with him to hangout. As he was going to the elevator i kept hounding on him to text or call my mom about it. Then i saw my mom talking to an old family friend who, in reality, we haven't talked to in a long time. My brother and i approache and the family friend started leaving. When i reached my mom, my little brother continued walking till he met up with the family friend. Also, the family friend's wife met me and my mom in the middle. For the next part of my dream i was walking on an army base, and it was under attack. People were covering explosives with their bodies and some people were unnaturally small. Then the area shifted into the parking lot behind the rented houses where I used to live before moving to university recently. People were packing up their stuff and leaving. I was still on foot. I tried hitchhiking but i was basically ignored by other cars. Tyen i saw a guy. Maybe a teen around my age who looked dirty, like a hobo. He was holding a weird axe-shaped weapon made from the fencing that surrounds the neighborhood's school. He said he'll help me steal a car but then my mom and little brother appeared in a car, and drove up next to me. I thanked the hobo guy for his offer and got into the car as my mom drove us away.

Dream date:

22 Nov 2023

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AI-generated Dream Review

Denys Chumak

Denys Chumak

Hey Muna! Thank you for sharing your dream with me. It seems like a complex and vivid dream with various settings and events. Let's dive into the interpretation: The dream starts with you sitting in on a class at a college with your little brother, who is acting out. This may symbolize a sense of responsibility and caretaking towards your brother in your waking life. The transition to a giant hotel lobby filled with people could represent a shift in social dynamics or a desire for connection and interaction. Your focus on having your brother contact your mom suggests a need for communication and reassurance within your family relationships. Seeing your mom talking to an old family friend whom you haven't spoken to in a while might reflect a longing for reconnection or unresolved issues from the past. As the dream shifts to an army base under attack, it could symbolize feelings of being overwhelmed or facing challenges in your life. The presence of people covering explosives with their bodies may indicate self-sacrifice or a sense of duty in difficult situations. The depiction of unnaturally small people might represent feelings of powerlessness or insignificance in certain aspects of your life. The dream then transitions to the parking lot behind your previous rented houses, where people are packing up and leaving. This could signify a period of transition or change in your life, especially as you recently moved to university. Your attempts to hitchhike and feeling ignored by other cars might reveal a sense of seeking assistance or support that feels unattainable. Encountering the hobo-like guy holding a makeshift weapon made from school fencing suggests a potential fear of danger or unpredictability in unfamiliar situations. However, the appearance of your mom and little brother in a car, driving you away, signifies a sense of security and protection within your family unit. Overall, this dream reflects a mix of emotions, including responsibility, longing for connection, challenges, transition, and a desire for support. It may be helpful to reflect on these themes and consider how they resonate with your current life circumstances. Remember, dreams are highly personal, so only you can truly uncover the specific meaning behind this dream.
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The content above was generated by AI, under the supervision of experts in dream interpretation. The AI model was developed using the latest advancements in psychology and dream analysis.

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