Dream interpretation about
So my dream had two parts I can't remember if it was two separate dreams or if it was one whole dream. The "first part" of my dream I was in my house with my sisters one year old I'm pretty sure I was babysitting her and Ayla (my sisters baby) kept on triping and falling down as she was trying to walk around the house and at one point she fell and hit her head really bad and then she started crying but like a silent cry and her face turned purple and I cradled her like a baby and held her but the weird thing is that this was almost normal and I was completely fine with all of it. Ok now for the "second part" of my dream or second dream. So me and some of my friends (I can't remember who) were in target buying stuff for ether Thanksgiving or Christmas and my friends cept on trying to steal stuff when we were checking out but I kept on stopping them and that's all I can remember from that little dream
Dream date:
22 Nov 2023
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