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Dream About Sloth And Lust City Flooding

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Dream About Sloth And Lust City Flooding
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This dream was about

I was in different cities of sin. First I was in Sloth, who were dessert people, with a bunch of bombs. I killed their leader, meaning I was the King of Sloth. I tried telling them this but they didn't believe me and tried to kill me with bombs. So I ran away. Then I noticed it was flooding, so I ran to the city of Lust, which was a very tall city, like if an ant hill was exposed and completely above ground, and very glittery with pink, purple, blue, and green colors. I ran up and used a glittery bathroom and woke up.

Dream date:

23 Nov 2023

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AI-generated Dream Review

Denys Chumak

Denys Chumak

Hey Evie! Thank you for sharing your dream with me. It seems like a vivid and intriguing experience. Let's dive into the interpretation: In your dream, the different cities represent various aspects or themes of your life. Sloth, being associated with dessert people, could symbolize a sense of laziness or complacency that you may be grappling with. Killing their leader and becoming the King of Sloth might suggest a desire to overcome this state and take control of your own motivation and productivity. However, the fact that they didn't believe you and tried to kill you with bombs indicates possible resistance or skepticism from within yourself or those around you. The transition to the city of Lust, with its tall and glittery appearance, suggests a shift towards desires, temptations, or indulgence. This may relate to a longing for excitement or pleasure in your life. Using the glittery bathroom could symbolize a need for self-care and rejuvenation amidst these desires. Overall, this dream may reflect a conflict between your desire for productivity and overcoming laziness, while also grappling with the allure of indulgence and temptation. It could be a reflection of your internal struggle to find a balance between pursuing your goals and allowing yourself moments of enjoyment and self-care. Remember, dreams are highly personal, and only you can truly uncover the specific meaning behind this dream. I hope this interpretation provides some insights and helps you reflect on your own experiences and emotions.
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The content above was generated by AI, under the supervision of experts in dream interpretation. The AI model was developed using the latest advancements in psychology and dream analysis.

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