Jantzen, your recent dream of being in Europe surrounded by friends and witnessing an African protest on the beach sounds like a vivid and positive experience. Given that the dream wasn't a nightmare and the emotions level was low, with no negative feelings associated, we can explore its positive aspects and potential meanings.
The presence of different friends in your dream suggests a sense of connection and social fulfillment. Friends in dreams often represent different aspects of ourselves, so interacting with various friends might symbolize the integration of these different parts of your personality, especially as you navigate through significant life changes. The beautiful African protest you observed could signify your growing awareness and appreciation for diverse cultures and voices, aligning with your own quest for personal growth and understanding as you pursue your spiritual journey.
The European setting is particularly interesting given your life event of turning 25 and deciding to travel the world. This continent is often associated with history, culture, and a myriad of life philosophies, which may reflect your desire to expand your horizons and experience new ways of living and thinking. It's possible that your subconscious is processing your aspirations for travel and the anticipation of the personal development that comes with it.
The protest on the beach could be emblematic of your recent Ayahuasca ceremony, as such events often bring about a sense of social consciousness and a desire for change. The beach often symbolizes the intersection between consciousness (land) and the unconscious (sea), so witnessing a protest there may represent your commitment to personal transformation and the influence you wish to have in the world as a spiritual teacher.
In light of these reflections, your dream seems to be a beautiful amalgamation of your aspirations, personal growth, and the expanding worldview that you've been embracing. It echoes your inner journey and the path you're carving out for yourself, both spiritually and in your waking life. The dream's positive tone suggests that your subconscious is affirming your choices and encouraging you to continue on your path of self-discovery and enlightenment.