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Dream Of Giving Birth At Parents Home

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Dream Of Giving Birth At Parents Home
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Приснилось наче я приїхала у Канаду до батьків та дізналася, що моя мама народила сина у домашніх умовах у ванній. Вона запропонувала мені залишитися та також народити у ванній, бо їй дуже сподобалося. Я подумала про те, що це звучить заманливо і в домі батьків було все і комфорт, і тепло, і затишок, і тепла ванна. Але в домашніх умовах пологи це дуже ризиковано та найголовніше, я мала повернутися в Україну до чоловіка. Тому я подякувала батькам та попрямувала додому до чоловіка, хоч на серці було трохи сумно

Dream date:

1 Dec 2023

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Emotional tone:

The dreamer felt a mix of excitement and uncertainty about the possibility of giving birth at home in Canada.


The dream was intense due to the dreamer's emotional struggle with the decision of whether or not to give birth at home.


The dream was realistic in its portrayal of the dreamer's parents' home and the surrounding environment.


The dream was vivid, with the dreamer being able to clearly recall the details of the home, the conversation with her mother, and her own thoughts and feelings.


The dream was coherent, with a clear storyline and logical progression of events.

AI-generated Dream Details

🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

AI-generated Dream Review

Denys Chumak

Denys Chumak

Hey Лідія! Thank you for sharing your dream with me. It seems like a very interesting and symbolic dream. In this dream, the setting shifts to Canada, where you visit your parents and discover that your mother has given birth to a son at home in the bathtub. She suggests that you also consider giving birth in the same way because she enjoyed the experience. While the idea may seem tempting due to the comfort, warmth, and familiarity of your parents' home, you recognize the risks involved in home births and the importance of returning to Ukraine to be with your husband. Although you made the decision to leave, there is a hint of sadness in your heart. The dream could symbolize a conflict or choice between staying in a familiar and comfortable environment (represented by your parents' home) versus taking risks and embracing new experiences (represented by giving birth in the bathtub). It reflects the internal struggle between the desire for security and the need for growth and change. The presence of your parents and their suggestion to give birth at home might indicate a longing for their guidance and support in making important life decisions. Considering your previous dreams, such as the one about being pulled out of the lake by your stepfather and realizing the true temperature of the water, it appears that you have encountered situations where initial perceptions differed from reality. This recurring theme suggests the importance of being cautious and not letting illusions or temptations cloud your judgment. It's possible that your subconscious is reminding you to trust your instincts and make choices based on what feels right for you, even if it means leaving behind familiar comforts. Overall, this dream highlights the significance of balancing personal desires with practical considerations and responsibilities. It encourages you to reflect on your priorities and make decisions that align with your long-term goals and commitments. Trust yourself and the path you have chosen, even if it may evoke some bittersweet emotions along the way. Remember, I'm here to support you in exploring the meaning behind your dreams.
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The content above was generated by AI, under the supervision of experts in dream interpretation. The AI model was developed using the latest advancements in psychology and dream analysis.

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