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Dream Of Being On A Shaky Tree And Then Seeing Boys Getting Hit By Ice

Dream interpretation about Ice, Tree

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This dream was about

I don't remember much of this dream. I'm outside with some people. I'm on top of a tree or a building sitting. This tree or building is huge. There are three layers to it. There's someone sitting in the middle and someone sitting on the bottom of it. The person who is on the bottom starts shaking the tree. The tree isn't very strong because of the way it grew. It starting to shake me and I feel afraid because I felt like the tree was going to break. I tell the person to stop but he keeps shaking the tree. A woman around the tree tells him to stop. He stops. I get off of the tree. My dream switches. I'm seeing maybe five teenager boys hiding in different spots but not to far from each other. All of a sudden, ice squares falls from the building rooftop (an all boys school) near by. The ice squares falls right on the boys' heads. They're screaming and crying. I woke up.

Dream date:

17 Apr 2024

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👧 women of your age from 🇺🇸 had dreams about Kissing by 6.6% more than 👨 men.

Emotional tone:

The dream contained a mix of negative emotions such as fear and sadness. I felt afraid and nervous when the tree was shaking, and sad when the ice fell on the boys' heads.


This dream was recurring 2 times last week


The intensity of the dream varied throughout. The section with the shaking tree was the most intense, while the initial part and the aftermath felt less so.


The dream felt somewhat realistic despite the unusual nature of the tree and the falling ice. The setting and characters felt believable.


The dream had a moderate level of vividness. I could clearly recall the shaking tree and the falling ice, but other details were more模糊.


The dream was somewhat coherent, with a clear sequence of events. However, the two parts (shaking tree and falling ice) felt disconnected from each other.

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🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

Dream review

Yvette Miller

Yvette Miller

Behavioral psychology & Wellness Advocate

BabyGirl, I understand you're feeling a little shaken up after that intense dream. It seems you were in a precarious situation, perched atop a shaky tree-like structure that was being deliberately揺さぶられて. This naturally caused you fear and anxiety, especially as the stability of the structure seemed questionable. It's interesting that this dream follows a pattern of previous dreams you've shared with me, where themes of vulnerability and uncertainty are recurring. In your dream from April 10th, 2024, you found yourself in a hospital room facing hostility from strangers. The fear of being misunderstood and targeted resonated strongly in that dream. Similarly, in your dream from October 26th, 1982, you experienced a feeling of being held back from your potential and facing a lack of understanding from those around you. It seems that these dreams may be reflecting a deeper concern about feeling vulnerable and misunderstood, both in your personal life and possibly in your career. The image of the shaky tree could symbolize a sense of instability in your current situation, whether it be a relationship, a job, or a personal goal you're pursuing. The act of being shaken by another person could represent external forces that are creating uncertainty and making you feel less secure. It's also worth noting the presence of a woman who intervened in the dream, which could symbolize a potential source of support or guidance that you may need to seek out. The second part of your dream, where ice falls on the teenagers, could be interpreted as a separate symbol of unexpected challenges or setbacks that may arise in your path. Given the intensity of this dream and the recurring themes of vulnerability and uncertainty in your previous dreams, it might be helpful to explore these feelings further. Reflecting on what situations in your life might be causing you anxiety or insecurity could be a good starting point. If you feel overwhelmed by these feelings, consider reaching out to a trusted friend or family member for support. Talking about your concerns can often provide valuable perspective and help you develop coping mechanisms to deal with uncertainty.
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Yvette Miller

Behavioral psychology & Wellness Advocate

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