Sera, having a dream where your nails are being pulled out can be profoundly distressing and is often linked to feelings of vulnerability, pain, and a sense of being exposed. Nails in dreams can symbolize protection and defense mechanisms, so dreaming of them being removed suggests that you may be feeling defenseless or stripped of your protective layers in waking life. This can be particularly poignant given the significant life changes and traumatic experiences you've been through, such as relocation and the loss of a loved one. These events can leave you feeling raw and unprotected, which your subconscious mind might be processing through such vivid, painful imagery.
The act of having nails pulled out is also a powerful metaphor for enduring mental or emotional pain. This could be related to your frequent experiences of stress and anxiety, as well as the sadness you often feel. Your dream could be a manifestation of the inner struggle you're facing, signifying the painful process of dealing with past traumas and the ongoing challenges of mental health issues like PTSD and depression. The recurring nature of your nightmares and the negative feelings you experience upon waking up further highlight the intensity of these unresolved issues.
Moreover, the imagery of nails being forcibly removed might also represent a fear of losing control or autonomy. This could be tied to your experiences with eating disorders, where control over one's body becomes a central issue.