Dream interpretation about Car, Yell
okay so i was like in my house right and my mom was working at the black table and the ice cream truck was coming so i asked my mom if i could have some and my mom said yes j think i thot i deserved it bc i took a essay thingy online maybe so yeah i went to go catch it but it ignored me and my mom did nothing and i got so so made i yelled at her and she still did nothing then i cried nothing it was like she couldn’t hear me at all i mean she knew i was there but she didn’t do anything so then we suddenly went into a car and i saw the ice cream truck right next to us so i shook my mom and said there look ice cream lets get some now and my mom said okay just like last time but a few minutes pass by and i was like mom hurry its leaving come on lets go, nothing came put of her we went back to the house and then my grandma was there and she said oh stop being do whiny it was just ice cream its bad for you anyways and i looked at grama and got so mad that i grabbed her and said go get me that ice cream , still i never got that ice cream.
Dream date:
25 Apr 2024
Emotional tone:
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