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Dream About Energy Healing And Embarrassment

Dream interpretation about Friend, Table

Dream About Energy Healing And Embarrassment
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This dream was about

I dreamt I was at a personal and intimate event (unsure exactly what) and was sitting around a table with some other people. One of which is a social media friend and fellow spiritual practitioner. She asked me what my business was, I said I have a few modalities. That I am a photographer and energy healer. She asked what energy healing was (weird because in real life she is a facilitator). I explained I did Reiki, and explained what it was. And she said, "people actually pay you for that?" And scoffed. I remember feeling ashamed and embarrassed. I turned to the other unidentified people at the table in disbelief and then woke up

Dream date:

8 Oct 2024

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Did you know, Maddison? 🌟 62.4% of dreamers in Canada have also experienced embarrassment in their dreams after explaining their unique skills at a dinner table! 🥴✨

Emotional tone:

The dream conveyed feelings of shame and embarrassment when questioned about energy healing.


This dream was recurring 1 times last week


The intensity was moderate, peaking when the friend scoffed at the dreamer's profession.


The setting of a personal event with familiar faces adds a touch of realism.


The dream was quite vivid, with clear interactions and a well-defined setting.


While there was a clear interaction, the dream's coherence was average, with some disjointed elements.

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AI-generated Dream Details

🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

AI-generated Dream Review

Denys Chumak

Denys Chumak

Maddison, your dream is a rich tapestry woven with themes of self-worth, professional identity, and the validation of your unique skills. The setting of an intimate event suggests a scenario where personal and professional boundaries blend, highlighting your vulnerability in environments where you seek acceptance and recognition. Sitting around a table signifies a shared space of ideas and beliefs, a round table often symbolizing equality and openness. However, the presence of a social media friend, particularly one who shares your spiritual practice, introduces a dynamic of peer evaluation. When your friend inquired about your business, it reflects a subconscious desire for acknowledgment of your multifaceted talents. Your response about having a few modalities and identifying as both a photographer and an energy healer indicates a harmonious blend of creativity and spirituality in your professional identity. This duality reveals a self-perception that values both tangible and intangible contributions to the world. Yet, the dream introduces a moment of unexpected disbelief when your friend questions your energy healing practice, despite her real-life role as a facilitator. This moment of skepticism from someone you respect may mirror your own inner doubts or the external pressures you feel regarding the legitimacy of your work. Her scoffing could be a manifestation of your fear of judgment or lack of understanding from others, particularly in non-traditional fields. The feeling of shame and embarrassment in response to her reaction suggests a deep-seated concern about how your work is perceived and valued by your peers and society.
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The content above was generated by AI, under the supervision of experts in dream interpretation. The AI model was developed using the latest advancements in psychology and dream analysis.

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