Dream interpretation about War, Happy
I had a dream that I lost everything and all my colleagues, co-workers were going away but for some reason I had a twin sister that was helping me out because there was a group of women at work that were putting me down so she went and tried to be nice on several occasions and then she went in and chewed them out and for some reason after all that all my colleagues everybody else went to this war in Iraq or Ukraine or Gaza trying to do humanitarian aid. I felt like I was a failure because I wasn't even picked to be drafted I don't know why some people looked at me and said I was lucky I was like no I'm not but for some reason there was that little kid in my previous dream turned into an older person and I became roommates with him and he seemed like he was happy to see me and also he was a Black Lives Matter movement guy but nonetheless seems happy to see me.
Dream date:
9 May 2024
Emotional tone:
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